dal 26 al 30 agosto 2024 – Liceo “A. Rosmini” Trento, Italia

con il gentile contributo di:



L’edizione 2024 del Festival Contrasti (10a edizione) si articolerà lungo cinque giorni di concerti e attività didattiche dal 26 ale 30 agosto 2024 Liceo “A. Rosmini” Trento, Italy.

20.30 Concerto – Opificio Sonoro

10.00 – 13.00 e 14.30 – 18.30 lezioni individuali

20.30 Concerto – MotoContrario ensemble

10.00 – 13.30 Reading session MotoContrario ensemble

15.00 – 18.00 lezioni individuali

18.30 – 19.30 Public lecture di Malin Bång

20.30 Concerto – Schallfeld ensemble

09.30 – 13.30 Reading session MotoContrario ensemble

14.30 – 17.30 lezioni individuali

20.30 Concerto – Curious Chamber Players

09.30 – 13.30 and 15.00 – 18.30 lezioni individuali

20.30 Concerto finale MotoContrario ensemble



An International Composition Masterclass, held by the internationally renowned composer Malin Bång, acclaimed as one of the most significant authors in the panorama of contemporary musical creation will be an essential part of the Festival, put into close relationships student composers, guest ensembles and the public.

Recipients of the masterclass will be 10 students selected by the teacher himself, who will have the opportunity to receive individual lessons, as well as to follow the entire course, which is however open to external auditor students.

In addition to the purely educational activity of the composition lessons, the related events will fully form part of the festival programming, such as the reading session by the MotoContrario ensemble (a sort of “open rehearsal” in which the ensemble studies and performs the pieces of the students, under the supervision of the guest composer), a public seminar organized by the guest teacher, in which the composer analyzes and guides the listening of some of her works, the meetings with the guest ensembles before the evening concerts and the final concert of the Masterclass, in which MotoContrario will present the new creations of the young composers for the first time.

Given the goodness of the initiative and the caliber of the composer that the association has managed to bring to Trento, the Pedagogical High School “Liceo A.Rosmini” of Trento has made itself available to collaborate, making its spaces available for the classes and the concerts.

In addition to the lessons and initiatives described above, the realization of five public concerts is a fundamental part of the Festival, which, in addition to having an important didactic value, also have an indisputable artistic depth for the institution and for the territory .

Two concerts are expected by the MotoContrario ensemble, of which the second will be held on the last evening and will see the performance of pieces by the students of the Masterclass,

The other three concerts will be entrusted to highly renowned ensembles, specialized in the contemporary music performance:

  • Opificio Sonoro
  • Schallfeld ensemble
  • Curious Chamber Players

Recipients of the festival can be traced among:

– people interested in learning about the repertoire of 20th-century and contemporary music, along thematic axes and according to paths aimed at detecting connections, continuity, comparisons of meaning;

– music enthusiasts interested in listening to and observing young musical creativities, in the field of composition and interpretation;

– public and scholars interested in following the cultural debate around themes concerning 20th century and contemporary music, such as the current panorama of compositional and musical creativity, in discussions with invited scholars;

– people interested in cultural issues concerning 20th century and contemporary musical languages, also in relation to other disciplines and areas of artistic production, from poetry to the visual arts;

student musicians of the Conservatory and music schools in the area, involved in relation to new repertoires, in the observation of new and experimental sound manifestations, which imply highly innovative techniques, in the areas of musical performance and composition;